Caucasian – European Cultural and Scientific Society „EuroCaucAsia“
Briefly about aims and intentions of the society.

Since the beginning of the 90′s, a hundred thousand people have left their motherland in connection with the difficult situation existing in the Caucasian countries (areas of the Russian Federation, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan). Some categories of these people, e.g. descendants of the Caucasian Germans, Caucasians of the Jewish origin, refugees from the hostility zones, political refugees and others are accepted in the states of the European Union. Among them there are many scientists and artists who in any event try to support the Caucasian-European cooperation in the fields of culture, science, and education.

At the same time, in Western Europe the growing interest in this region is being observed, but the knowledge about history and the real Caucasus is obviously insufficient. On the other hand, the European diplomats, businessmen, economists, politicians, specialists in different fields, including the field of the international development support, scientists and students who ever worked and lived in the Caucasus, somehow try to fill this gap and give objective information about the region, but these attempts remain separate and occasional.

The society “EuroCaucAsia” contributes in being an important contact place, a connecting link for everybody who is involved or wants to work in the sphere of cultural and scientific connections between the Caucasus and Europe. We promote various useful enterprises and cooperation in this area without interfering in politics.

Through the cooperation with various institutions, societies, and groups (both with emigrants from the Caucasian countries and the European specialists who in either case are connected with this region) we are going to create such a net of mutual cooperation where we can unite efforts of all interested and turn them to more effective investigation of the rich history and culture as well as contemporary problems of the Caucasus. It would simultaneously promote the difficult process of integration of the Caucasian people into the European community.

We invite everybody who accepts our purposes and intentions and is ready to work with us to realize above mentioned aims to collaboration.

Dear visitor of our site!
We will be very glad if you apply to us with any question about activities of our society.

Yours sincerely,

PD Dr. Eva-Maria Auch
Chairman of the Society
Email:  em. auch (@)

Dr Rasim Mirzayev
Deputy Chairman and Manager
Email:  mirzaeurokaukasia (@)

You can send general questions to the following address:
eurokaukasia (@)